Some Engineers Are Just Better Than Others by Stewart Jeske, PE

Some Engineers Are Just Better Than Others

by Stewart Jeske, PE

Some glaziers don’t budget enough for engineering calculations on projects. Those who do, understand the value of industry expertise.  Some glaziers brag, “I’ve got a guy that does it on the side.”    The truth is, an experienced engineer with industry experience will save you time and money.  Some engineers are just better than others.

Experienced engineers are familiar with industry manufactures and have worked with their components and framing, so you’ll end up with system components and anchors that will work.  Plus, years of experience means a quick turnaround using better software, specifically for aluminum curtain wall and storefront design.  

Experts in aluminum code won’t over design your project.   University curriculums for structural engineers focus on steel, concrete and CMU.  Aluminum is never used in the design of building or bridge structures so most structural engineers just don’t come across it in their everyday work. Experience comes from the real world.      

Aluminum design is specialized and requires adherence to a complex 2010 Aluminum Design Manual.  This 469 page book larger is larger than the steel code!   Few engineers ever pick up aluminum design, due to its specialization. 

So next time you need design calculations, hire experience.   You’ll save money in the end.

Stewart Jeske, PE

JEI Structural Engineering


Structural Glass Wall Design Company

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